Leadership Blog

Parent Involvement and the importance of collaboration between parents and school

Positive connection

When there is positive connection between parents and teachers it improves the child's academic, social, and emotional well being. "Research shows that when a partnership approach between parents and teachers is evident, children’s work habits, attitudes about school and grades improve. They demonstrate better social skills, fewer behavioral problems and a greater ability to adapt to situations and get along. And parents and teachers benefit, too. When working together as partners, it’s been found that parents and teachers communicate more effectively, develop stronger relationships with one another and develop skills to support children’s behaviors and learning" (Sheridan, 2016). 

The Best Ways to Create Collaboration between Parents and Teacher!

Relationships are created and grow stronger spending time together. So most schools have activities that involve the parents, such as parent night, work shops, movie night, conferences, or game night. These events are a great time to get to know your child's teacher. Some parents are unable to attend these activities, due to busy work schedules. These parents utilize drop off and pick up to build their relationship with their child's teacher.

An app is another way of communication between parents and their child's teacher. "It’s important for schools and teachers to be able to stay in touch with families, and these days they have more options than ever. A teacher-parent communication app allow teachers to reach out without revealing their personal phone numbers. It also makes it easy to share work and progress, send home reminders, and more" (Staake, 2023). 

Emails are another good way of communicating, but sometimes parents have a lot of emails going into to accounts from there jobs and they don't see the emails from the teacher.

It is important to find out the best two-way communication between teachers and parents so you can stay up to date on the child's success at home and in school.