My Role as an Early Childhood Leader


My philosophy is to come to every child as they are and help them develop and succeed in their educational journey. I believe that most of life’s learning, including how to learn occurs in the first five years of life.   Milestones are important and I will be there to guide each child to meet their milestone goals.  I will collaborate with parents regularly to keep them up to date on their child's progress. Parents will be encouraged to engage in their child's educational journey because I believe children succeed at a higher rate when parents are involved. I will treat staff as part of the team, we are all equal. I will collaborate effectively with the staff, children, and families to ensure that we all work together to have a successful school for the children. I will focus on keeping my education and trainings up to date and also provide trainings for the staff as well. Being a leader has many responsibilities and I want to make sure that I create a fun, happy, successful environment for everyone.